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NBGen and ABS have joined forces to connect cattle producers directly to the newest Angus-influenced genetics and technology on the market.


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The genetic engine behind the NB Genetics NuEra line is ABS Global’s exclusive terminal beef genetic line, NuEra Genetics. NuEra Genetics was created in 2014 to improve profitability through precise genetic selection, primarily focused on terminal performance for producers around the world. NuEra is comprised of an Angus hybrid line and designed as an ideal terminal solution that maximizes productivity, efficiency, and sustainability while perfectly complementing the “highly maternal” cow. “For 80 years, ABS has championed genetic solutions through innovation and discovery. Scientific initiatives, like the Angus Sire Alliance, that sought to improve feed efficiency and profitability, are just a part of our culture.


You could even say, it’s in our DNA,” says ABS Global Beef Product Development Director, Matthew Cleveland. “The NuEra program is the next step. It’s the innovation bridge that has allowed the ABS Team to continue cultivating dynamic genetic solutions for all segments of our industry’s food systems. Historically, a bull had to do everything well, from pasture to plate. Today, with tools like fixed-time AI and sexed semen, we can laser-focus our breeding decisions to create maternally efficient replacement females and exceptionally pro table terminal feeder cattle by design without sacrifice.”

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"The goal of NB Genetics has always been to help Australian cattle producers attain unmatched growth, extreme feed efficiency, and tremendous carcass quality. Now we take this to a new level, backed by over two decades of ABS progeny feed intake data, these bulls have been selected because they excel in traits associated with improving efficiency and profitability. Joining forces with ABS has allowed us to supply these genetics directly to producers, and the NuEra bulls represent the newest and most advanced herd sires on the market." Nick Boshammer NB Genetics Founder

The ABS genetic evaluation system was built purposely to identify sires that generate the most profitable feeder cattle in the beef supply chain. This is the very system that we use today to drive genetic progress in our NuEra program, designed specifically with profitability and the beef supply chain in mind.

  • Reflects the economic value of key carcass traits including carcass weight, marbling, ribeye area, and back fat.

  • Use in conjunction with the US Beef Index to identify sires that will maximize net carcass value.

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Feed costs are the largest expense in beef production which is why improved efficiency continues to be a key focus of research. ABS has developed the Feed Efficiency Index as a part of the selection criteria of the NuEra bulls. This index is backed by more than 13,000 individual feed intake records.

  • Reflects the economic value of post-weaning feed conversion.

  • Use alongside the US Beef Index to identify pro table sires that move the needle for feed efficiency.


The US Beef Index is a terminal profit selection index that is expressed as dollars of profitability per head of progeny. The US Beef index marries decades of performance information and thousands of genomics records for traits of economic importance that drive the ABS genetic evaluation along with appropriate and forward-looking economic weighting of those traits. ABS’ proprietary index is calculated using a host of data sources including their progeny test programs and long-time industry partners. A quality end product and increased kilograms are key economic drivers in the entire beef supply chain. Customers interested in retaining ownership and endpoint profitability need sires that excel in performance, feed efficiency, and carcass merit.

  • An economic index designed to identify sires whose progeny will most efficiently convert resources to kilograms of quality carcass weight and total endpoint profitability.

  • Use to select sires that will maximize the terminal value of a calf crop.

650 head of NuEra heifers since 2018


December 2022 AVERAGE CARCASS WEIGHT = 460 kg


Kate and Nick Boshammer, NB Genetics with Matt Aikenhead and Jared Wareham, ABS. Photo credit Elite Edge Media

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